03. Cover Letter Components

Cover Letter Components

What should I include in my cover letter?

Your cover letter should include the following sections:

  • Heading (this can be the same as the one used for your resume)
  • Introduction
  • 2-3 body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

Consider the following example of a cover letter for Artsy Udacian, who is looking to pursue a Front-End Web Developer role:

The format above is most common for cover letter submissions where the employer requests one written in letter form. Note, that in some cases, the form of submission may differ. For example, sometimes you may be expected to submit your cover letter simply as a short paragraph rather than in the form of a letter.

In all cases, your cover letter should build a narrative highlighting your accomplishments and experiences in a way that goes beyond what your resume conveys.

In the upcoming videos, you'll learn more about what you should do in order to write a truly effective cover letter.